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Administering Medicine


(for Hanover and Dresden Districts)

Whenever possible, a child’s medical regime should be carried out at home; however, any student who is required to take prescribed medication during the regular school day must comply with the following guidelines:

Prescription Medication:

  1. Written orders from a physician detailing the name of the student, name of the drug, dosage, route, time and frequency medication is to be given, date of order and reason for giving, should be received by the school nurse and/or building administrator before the medication can be given. Only personnel delegated by the school nurse shall administer any medications. Prescription label with telephone confirmation from the physician or parent is acceptable documentation until written confirmation is received. A renewal of a long-term medication order is required each school year.
  2. Written permission from the parent/guardian of the student requesting that the school district comply with the physician’s order should accompany the physician’s order. Documented telephone confirmation is acceptable.
  3. Students with chronic illnesses (e.g., seizure disorders, asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes, etc.) who are responsible for self-administering their medications should be allowed to continue the practice. Qualified students may possess and administer asthma inhalers and Epinephrine injectors with signed approval of the parent(s) and physician. All other medication shall be kept in the school health office unless otherwise indicated.
  4. Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the student’s name, physician’s name, date of prescription, name and strength of medication, dose, frequency, route and expiration date.
  5. With the exception of Epinephrine injectors and medications approved for student possession and administration, medications must be stored in a locked cabinet in a designated area.
  6. In the absence of the school nurse, the principal or his/her designee will assist the student in taking prescribed medication.
  7. Unused medication shall be destroyed or returned to the parent/guardian for disposition.

1. The schools will maintain a stock supply of epinephrine auto-injectors, and enable a school administrator to designate school nurses and other trained school personnel who may administer epinephrine at school to any student or other person experiencing a suspected anaphylactic reaction, regardless of whether the student or person has a prescription for epinephrine. 

2. Staff training on the identification of students experiencing suspected anaphylaxis, and the use of epinephrine auto-injectors will take place annually. Additionally, the school nurse will maintain a Treatment Procedure for Unknown Hypersensitivity, which is attached to this policy.

Non-Prescription Medication:

  1. Parent permission must be provided if a non-prescription/over-the-counter medication is to be used during school hours or activities.
  2. Non-prescription medications must be brought to school in an appropriately labeled container and must be stored in the school nurse’s office.

For Students of Hanover High School:

  1. Non-prescription/over-the-counter medication may be carried by students. The Principal or his/her designee may request of any student, documentation that medication in the student’s possession meets the definition of legal non-prescription/over-the-counter drugs


In matters of medical intervention and medicine, the school physician is the technical advisor to the school nurse; in matters of public health, the Department of Public Health clarifies state guidelines and recommended practices. 

Reviewed by district school nurses and approved with revision 4/24/14 

SAU 70 Board 
Approved: 18 June 2014 
Revised: 11 May 2015 
Recoded from JGCE to JLCD