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Absence Procedures

All classroom teachers and educational assistants must have a substitute. Any exceptions need to be approved by the department coordinator, department supervisor or Principal.

Every teacher and educational assistant is responsible for developing an up-to-date folder for substitutes that includes; your daily schedule /room numbers, class lists, availability to the Emergency Procedure Binder (RED BINDER) and a contact person within your department. The main office will provide the substitute with additional information when they report for work (i.e. school map, attendance procedures, parking, school schedules, cafeteria information, and staff contacts). It is expected that each teacher will have available lesson plans for the day of their absence.

Reporting Absences:

I. Personal/family illness, bereavement, or emergency day:

A. Log into, or call, AESOP to create an absence. If you need assistance, please see your AESOP coordinator in the building.
Please make every attempt to create your absence before 6:15 a.m. to allow enough time to obtain a substitute.

B. Call your department coordinator to notify them of your absence.

II. Staff development, professional development, or personal days: follow above with minimum 48 hours notice

Please remember, if you leave the building at any time during the day, sign out in the main office, or telephone the receptionist and she will sign you out. When you return to the building please sign back in.