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Solicitations by Students

DSB Regulation KHD-R
(Effective April 28, 1978)

The following steps will be taken when solicitation requests are desired of local merchants:

1. Notify the Associate Principal so that a) they might confirm whether or not other teams, grades, or departments are already soliciting and b) we avoid heavy scheduling of fund-raising efforts.

2. The staff member responsible for directing the activity will submit a request to the secretary of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce asking that they appear before the Board to discuss the project. The request is to be co-signed by the Principal. This process is required of any new fund-raising projects.

3. If approved, the staff member in charge will draw up guidelines for the students regarding:

  1. division of labor to ensure only one solicitation to each merchant.
  2. presentation of an introductory letter or statement to the merchant.
  3. procedures about courtesy.

4. Formal thank you notes should be a routine follow-up procedure.

NOTE 1: All Solicitations (fund-raising) projects by athletic teams must have prior approval of the Athletic Director before contacting the Associate Principal.

NOTE 2: Traditional fund-raising activities connected with the yearbook (calendar and football programs) are exempted from this regulation.