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School Dances

Students who wish to plan a school dance must first meet with the Associate Principal to obtain potential dates for a dance and planning instructions.

Students who plan to attend a school dance need to know the following:

  • Dances usually begin at 8:00 P.M.
  • Entry to dances will be permitted only until 9:00 P.M. unless a special arrangement is made ahead of time with the chief chaperone.
  • Dances will end no later than 10:30 P.M.
  • Once a student leaves the dance, the student will not be readmitted.
  • There is usually an entrance fee.
  • The HHS Personal Appearance Policy is in effect during school dances.
  • There is no provision for safeguarding personal possessions. Access to school lockers is restricted since corridor doors are locked. If valuables must be brought to a dance, they should be left for safekeeping with a chaperone. No bags will be allowed in the dance area.
  • HHS students may bring guests to HHS dances. Guests will be required to show a high school ID and may be required to give their name, address and telephone number to the adult at the ticket table. All other guests must get prior permission from the Associate Principal.
  • At least twelve chaperones must be in attendance in a two-to-one ratio of staff to parents.
  • Lighting, music volume and selection must be approved by the head chaperone.
  • Student behavior at dances needs to remain appropriate as deemed by the chaperones. The student will be asked to leave the dance with no refund if a student is warned about their behavior and it does not change or the behavior is particularly offensive or unsafe.
  • Any student under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be immediately turned over to the police officer on duty who will take the student into custody. The student will be restricted from attending future dances.
  • School officials will notify the police pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding.
  • All school rules are in effect during dances, as they are school-sponsored functions.