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Personal Appearance Policy

The goals of the HHS dress code are as follows:

  • Maintain a safe learning environment in classes where protective or supportive clothing is needed, such as chemistry/biology (eye or body protection) or PE (athletic attire/shoes).
    sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and/or personal style.
  • Allow students to wear clothing of their choice that is comfortable.
  • Ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of gender/gender identification, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and/or personal style.


Students are required to follow the dress code while on school property during school hours. Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, and nipples are covered with opaque material. For more specific examples of required use see the “must wear”, “may wear”, and “cannot wear” lists below.


Students Must Wear:
  • Clothing that adheres to the coverage requirements above.
    • Top
    • Bottom: pants/ sweatpants/ shorts/ skirt/ dress/ leggings, etc.
  • Footwear

Students May Wear:

  • Clothing that expresses their self-identified gender
  • Religious attire without fear of discipline or discrimination
  • Hats (including religious headwear)
  • Hooded Sweatshirts
  • Fitted pants, including leggings, yoga pants and "skinny jeans"
  • Pajamas
  • Ripped jeans (as long as underwear is not exposed)
  • Athletic attire
  • Clothing with commercial or athletic logos provided they do not violate the "cannot wear" section below.

Students Cannot Wear:

  • Clothing or accessories with images or language depicting or advocating violence or the use of alcohol or drugs
  • Clothing or accessories with images, symbols, or language that are derogatory or create a hostile or intimidating environment towards any group of people or any protected class.
  • Clothing or accessories that have vulgar or inappropriate images, symbols, or language associated with said language. 

  • Visible underwear (waistbands or straps of undergarments worn under clothing are not a violation)

  • Bathing suits
  • Helmets or headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance)
Extracurricular Attire:

In the case of athletic uniforms, all uniforms on a team must be the same. If a student takes issue with their athletic uniform, they should take it up with the Athletic Department.

At music performances, the attire guidelines cannot be enforced or suggested based upon gender. Administration cannot enforce this standard for the attire for music festivals that are not associated with Hanover High School. If a student takes issue with the attire proposed by the festival, they should bring it up with the festival director(s) or ask their teacher to communicate with the festival.

The gowns for the graduating class should all be the same color, or students should be allowed to choose the color of their gown from the given options. The color of the gowns should not be selected based on the gender or sex of the students.

Hanover High School prohibits discriminatory harassment or violence motivated by a person’s gender identity or expression that attempts to interfere with, or actually interferes with, the free exercise of an individual’s right. Discriminatory harassment includes violence, the threat of violence, a pattern of threatening verbal harassment, the use of force, intimidation or coercion, defacing or damaging real property, and cyberbullying.


If a Hanover High School student refuses to comply with any of these rules, a staff member can tell the student, “I feel that your attire is prohibited by our dress code” and enforce consequences according to the Hanover High School Code of Conduct.
If a student disagrees with the enforcement of the dress code by a staff member, they can discuss their dress with the Associate Principal.

If a non­-student member of the Hanover High School community does not comply with these rules the incident should be reported to one or more of the following people, if applicable:

  • Department Head
  • Associate Principal
  • Principal


If a Hanover High School student refuses to comply with any of these rules, a staff member can
tell the student, “I feel that your attire is prohibited by our dress code” and enforce consequences
according to the Hanover High School Code of Conduct.
If a student disagrees with the enforcement of the dress code by a staff member, they can discuss
their dress with the Dean of Students.
If a non­student member of the Hanover High School community does not comply with these
rules the incident should be reported to one or more of the following people, if applicable:
* Department Head
* Dean of Students
* Principal