Above Nav Container

Banner image Hanover High School pencil drawn front exterior of Hanover High School

Utility Container

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Button (Container)

Mobile Menu Trigger (container)

Off Canvas Navigation Container

Close Trigger (container)


Cell Phones

Cell Phones
Passed by Council, 9 February 2001
Amended, 13 November 2019

The use of electronic devices must not interfere with academics or constitute a threat to health or safety.

All electronic devices may only be used in class with the teacher's permission. Electronic devices can be used in public spaces where students are allowed to congregate; however, users should be aware of the current handbook rule which states that "Behavior in corridors and foyers which disrupts instruction or harms the school's generally positive atmosphere will not be permitted."

All electronic devices  must be turned off or turned to mute during any form of safety or emergency drill or procedure.